
A Message From Fr Chris

A Message From Fr Chris At this special time of year I want to thank you all for the love, support, prayers and encouragement that you have shown me throughout the year. It is very much appreciated and I am very happy to be here in this very special parish. A special thank you: to…

Ministry of The Word

There is a brief commentary by Marian Tolley on the Training Day she offered to Readers last month at along with some brief notes. In the New Year we propose to arrange a short session in the parish to share some of her comments on preparation and delivery.

Churches Together

Churches Together: Social Eating “0ver 50 and fed up with eating alone or know someone who is? An invitation to join MA Mission – 365 Halliwell Road every Thursday 12.00-1.30 pm for a free lunch and company. It would also be good to just pop along some time to support this venture”  


Jim Brooks Jim Brooks was 18 years of age in 1945 and served with the Bolton Regiment, in the army in Africa towards the end of the Second World War. Here he is with his service medal. After the war, he went to GCHQ and later became a sergeant. He is one of our oldest parishioners…

Salford Diocese Weekly Bulletin

Salford Diocese Weekly Bulletin Items There are two notices on the board for your information; Holy Hour for  Vocations. There are still a number of Holy Hours being held around the diocese to pray for vocations. All are welcome to attend.  Advent Series @ Wardley Hall. Please see the Poster for details

Young Readers

Young Readers  If anyone of Secondary School age is interested in participating in the Mass by reading the Bidding Prayers, we would definitely welcome your involvement! Please email

Hope in the Future

The next stage of Hope in the Future focuses on the Celebration of the Mass. We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in developing this and is keen to find a way in which they can help within the Parish by joining our Parish group (PACT) and becoming involved in elevating our…

Catholic Singles

Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single Catholics of all ages (over 18 years) meet other single Catholics, either one to one or through social events. For further information visit or tel. 0161 941 3498 Please see the poster