Pastoral Care

Practical help and emotional support

Pastoral Team members have two main aims; firstly, to provide practical help and emotional support to those who are recently bereaved as they prepare for their loved one’s funeral and secondly to help Fr. Chris with arrangements for funerals that take place in our parish.

As soon as notification is received that a funeral is forthcoming, a pastoral team member will contact a relative or friend of the deceased to make arrangements to meet. This meeting is an opportunity for open discussion of what the family has in mind for the funeral. Families are sometimes unfamiliar with the various form of requiem liturgy, so information is available on the options that are permissible within the rules and requirements of the Catholic Church.

Family members may choose a Requiem Mass or a Requiem Service in church, or a Service at the crematorium when there is no church service. If anyone is in any doubt, the different forms of liturgy will be explained so that families can decide which is best for them. Team members are always pleased to discuss appropriate hymns and readings, and lists are available to help families to choose. In addition, advice and encouragement are given to relatives and friends who wish to be involved directly in the liturgy, either with readings or by delivering the eulogy. Help is given too when putting together Order of Service booklets.

Team members work patiently and sympathetically with bereaved relatives to ensure that the requiem they choose for their loved one, whichever form it takes, is a prayerful, peaceful, respectful experience.

The Pastoral Team are always in need of more support.

To find out more about our work or to join us contact: