Young People

Catholic Youth Ministry

Youth ministry seeks: ‘to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today’, (Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry, paragraph 9) ‘to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community’, (RTV 11) and ‘to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person’. (RTV 15)

As the Patron Saint for Youth in our Diocese, we therefore echo the words of St Catherine of Siena to all young people: “be who God wants you to be and you will set the world on fire.” As you can see, the Diocese Youth Ministry have created a diocesan prayer and youth logo based on some of the suggestions made by the young people at the 2017 Palm Sunday celebration.

We want to establish a Youth Ministry within our Parish and are looking for young people to join our Youth Ministry team. We want young people to have a voice in how we run the Parish and actively participate in Parish Life.

There are plenty of events organised by the Diocese to support young people and they are great opportunities for young people to meet together in prayer and friendship.

If you would like to learn more and become part of our Parish Youth Ministry:

Diocesan Youth Prayer

Lord Jesus, bless us as we gather together as young people from the Diocese.

We are one in your name. May your light burn brightly within us as we celebrate Your love for us.

Inspire us with your Holy Spirit. Help us to take Your light and Your love out to the whole world.

Show us how to use our gifts and talents to become who You have called us to be. Amen

St Catherine of Siena, Pray for Us.